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"Closed" Meetings Purpose?

Discussion in 'Feedback & Suggestions' started by Bob Spencer on Jul 26, 2019.

  1. Bob Spencer

    By:Bob SpencerJul 26, 2019
    Community Member

    Apr 17, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Information Technology
    With the 2019 Council of Legislation, Rotary Now officially allows makeups within the same calendar year to apply. However, within ClubRunner, nothing applies on reports or views until the meeting is closed.

    Now, The first meeting in July can have a makeup done in June of the next year. I see two problems with Closing meetings being excluded from reports.
    1) Option1: leave the meeting open until the end of the rotary year (and not get any reporting to our members as their progress all year, or we need to re-open meetings one by one to apply the makeups throughout the year.
    2) Option 2: re-open meetings one by one to apply the makeups throughout the year. This will be a long and tedious process, as we first have to identify which meetings members missed that need to fill the makeups.

    If you came up with a single process at the end of the year that could simply bank makeups to closed meetings, it would be a real help. The coding for that should be fast and simple, and will save all club secretaries hours of time come June.

    The alternative is to use the old manual process of attendance tracking, which will give more accurate results, but less transparency to the members.

    Also, Why Can't we auto apply makeups to a meeting dated today? All this does is force our club secretary to wait a day to enter in the attendance, which is a waste of value to the club.
  2. Zach

    By:ZachJul 26, 2019
    ClubRunner Team

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Product Specialist
    Hi Bob,

    We're aware of the recent change from Rotary regarding attendance and working to make updates to the attendance to allow makeups bounded withing the current year for a club.

    For the attendance system, only when a meeting is closed is its attendance data calculated everywhere in the system and reported. The closed status effectively means "meeting is done and attendance has been entered". Once a meeting is closed, the only thing you cannot change in its closed state are the members who attended. You can always add/report/assign makeups, and you can record guests, even in the closed meeting state. Under normal circumstances, the only reason to re-open a meeting would be to adjust the list of attendees.

    For the issue where you cannot auto-apply makeups today, early during Attendance 3's beta process, clubs were having issues when using the auto-apply makeup feature due to open future meetings. The system would slot the makeup right into the current day, or future meetings since they were open and technically available for makeup. So for meetings that didn't yet have attendance, the makeup was applying, and this was not an ideal outcome. To combat this we've made changes, first we try to find the oldest eligible meeting and work forward from there, and second was to exclude the current day's meeting, and future dated meetings from being eligible for automatic makeups. This was to ensure that future meetings (including today), couldn't have makeups auto-reported. The goal here was to reduce the work that club's had to do, as the system was actually causing more work to be done (dealing with makeups in the wrong meeting).

    We will work to review this and see if we can make improvements to allow the current day meeting to be included, so long as it is closed.
  3. Bob Spencer

    By:Bob SpencerJul 26, 2019
    Community Member

    Apr 17, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Information Technology
    Thanks Zach –
    That clarification is a huge help. What I read to understand were that closed meetings could not be changed at all... I assumed that included makeups.

    Hey small coding fix that may solve both problems, if a meeting is closed, you should be able to apply make up you to it regardless of the date.

    Our current work around for same day editing has been: set the date to yesterday, apply the make up, set the date to today, close meeting.