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Custom or Site Page or Edit Menu

Discussion in 'Website Customization' started by Shellie Peterson on Feb 11, 2019.

  1. Shellie Peterson

    By:Shellie PetersonFeb 11, 2019
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    I want to have a location for International Service stories on our website. We have done global grants in several countries. I would like to have each country as a sub-title and then add stories about each from the existing stories in the story library. I have read and watched the videos on all three methods but am struggling to find which method is best.
  2. John Borst

    By:John BorstFeb 11, 2019
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    Shellie, can I assume that your first sentence means you want to have a separate section for International Service stories on the HOME page; is that correct?

    If so take a look at https://drydenrotary.org We have some similarities. We both use a narrow left and a wide Right column template. We both also have lots of advertisements and we show them all. :) Where we differ is on the story page. I wanted to minimize the scrolling and make it more akin to a newspaper format. All newspapers have a picture, title and come-on intro to the article/story. ClubRunner is organized to support that format with its two separate boxes for writing.

    I have gone one step further and use both formats. I only have one story called "recent stories" in small font. But you see four stories with a banner ad separating them. The "Recent Stories" post is blank except for the title. I then insert a number of left picture, right text templates. All just in the upper box. I then take the information from the Stories list and put that into the template. A quick way to enter the feature picture is to right click and then click on copy image address and then go back and insert it in the URL box and then change the size to 107 width. I then put links to the story on the title, picture and the Read Me text which I add using level 4 header size. A simple way to do the links is to where it says URL click on the little down pointer and scroll down to Stories click on it and a Stories box appears, and then click on that pointer and then scroll up to the story you want to link to.

    For your International Service widget I would place the news widget from version two so you get the title International Service Stories (The beta version does not have that feature) above your triple column (analogous to my Wethe4 Blog title. You will note on the Dryden site the Blogs banner is in a separate text widget with links to story pages where the text is. I then repeat the same process as for stories. However, the only way to find the recent blog posts page is through the beta website designer page on the left side. Since you want to separate that by country I would put a banner picture in for each country and then place the story come-on with its three links below each. I doubt any of that is on the videos.
  3. Shellie Peterson

    By:Shellie PetersonFeb 16, 2019
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    Thank you for your reply. There was a lot to 'unpack' there and I am not sure I got it all. I ended up editing the MENU area and adding an ongoing story there by cut and pasting. Probably not the most glamorous method, but it worked. I will try to shorten my stories by using the two part panel as you suggested for sure. Custom Pages and Site Pages still completely confuse me.
  4. Les Walsh

    By:Les WalshFeb 17, 2019
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  5. John Borst

    By:John BorstFeb 18, 2019
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    My golly Les you have spent many hours setting up your site. Very impressed sir.

    Shelli, Les has provided a really comprehensive overview site page as his example. Think of site pages this way. They are a sub-site with the menu on the left-hand side. In other words, you are creating a hierarchy of pages. ClubRunner staff can correct me but Version One did not have pull-down menus. But it did have site pages. I think it was an alternative way of organizing your site and has been retained.

    If you look at Les' "custom page" it is a remake of the site-page on "our projects". To find the custom page it is under the Home page Menu tab "Our Causes" and sub-item "Our Projects" but if you click on "In Our Community" in the same tab you go to the site page "Community Service" with all the menu on the left side.

    Les, are you planning to phase out the site pages and use custom pages instead? Graphically, it is very impressive, but it sure is a lot of work.
  6. John Borst

    By:John BorstFeb 18, 2019
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    Shelli - just checked out your site and looked at the Ice melt article. I found it really hard to go to where you purchase the ticket. Your link takes you back to the Home page and instruction say go to the blue bar. What you really mean is the menu tab named Ice melt on the blue bar, which takes you to another page entirely on which at the bottom so you have to scroll down to find the link to the Purchase ticket which takes you to the form. Why not have your link on the story page take you directly to the form page which is https://form.jotform.com/90245466595163 or to the page that is on the menu bar.
  7. Anita Graham

    By:Anita GrahamFeb 22, 2019
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    John, I wandered over to your page from here and ended up reading the WETHE4 blog pages. So many things to reflect on and which are relevant, I think, to our club at the other end of the world.

    I would have liked to star the two articles I read but couldn't, as I need to be logged in to your club. Is there a way to open up the blog response access outside the club? (Maybe that is a clubrunner limitation.)
  8. John Borst

    By:John BorstFeb 23, 2019
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    Anita. The login space for comments is limited to Rotarians in the club. I have asked ClubRunner to make it available to all Rotarians who have a login to a ClubRunner site. However, I never knew that the star "like" feature has the same limitation. That to me seems outright silly. In fact, that should be open to all Rotarians. Hopefully, a ClubRunner rep will see this and respond. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.