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Ability to tie Speaker to Calendar Event (rather than create duplicate)

Discussion in 'Feedback & Suggestions' started by Bob Spencer on May 21, 2018.

  1. Bob Spencer

    By:Bob SpencerMay 21, 2018
    Community Member

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Information Technology
    We know about our speakers typically a month to a week or so in advance. Currently we have a recurring event for our weekly meeting. If I create a speaker, I have two options:
    1) Remove the recurring event: Calendar view looks correct. Upcoming events widget in bulletin and website no longer lists the meeting
    2) Leave the Recurring Event: In calendar views, we have duplicate events, one for the speaker, one for the meeting

    Can't we just create a speaker, then tie it to some sort of event (either recurring or otherwise).
    Dianne Paron and Ted Steinmann like this.
  2. David H.

    By:David H.May 30, 2018
    ClubRunner Team

    Jun 10, 2017
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    Oakville, ON
    I can see what you mean. The meetings are created as an event which is shown on the Upcoming Events widget. If you use Speakers, it does not show on the Upcoming Events widget. Option 1 and 2 does not work or look right. One way how you can get Speakers to be displayed in a recurring event (Calendar Items) is to have a link in the Calendar Item take the user to the Speakers page. To do this, please edit the Calendar Item and include text which says "To see Speakers for our meeting, please click here", then it would link them to this page: https://rotarycluboflacrescent.org/Speakers

    I believe you already know how to create a link, but if you do not know, please click on the following link to learn how:


    For other people who read this response, if you do not know how to create or edit a Calendar Item, please click on the following link to learn how:


    I have also sent a suggestion to our Product team to create an option to allow speakers to be shown on the Upcoming Events widget.
  3. Bob Spencer

    By:Bob SpencerMay 31, 2018
    Community Member

    Apr 17, 2018
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    Information Technology
    Thanks David -
    However, the issue is that if I don't do either, then there are duplicate events on the calendar widget. No matter what, I cannot get all 3 views (Calendar, Upcoming Events, Speakers) to all look correct at the same time. I simply have to make a choice as to which two of those three views I use. I see calendar view as a must, so it becomes a choice of using events or Speakers, I cannot use both without some sort of fix.

    The better suggestion (to the product team (other than linking a speaker to an event) is to have an option to remove selected types of event s from the Calendar view. Adding speakers to the upcoming events widget does not solve the problem.
    Mark WILLIAMS and David H. like this.
  4. David H.

    By:David H.May 31, 2018
    ClubRunner Team

    Jun 10, 2017
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    Oakville, ON
    Your are right Bob, it would display the speaker and meeting on calendar. We want only one to display. Having a link in the Calendar Item to the Speakers page would not work.

    I have sent your suggestion to the Product team about having an option to hide the Speaker and/or Calendar Item from the calendar and Upcoming Events widget. Thanks for your help!
  5. Jeanne

    By:JeanneJun 20, 2018
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    Jun 20, 2018
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    Emmaus, PA, United States
    Related to this, how can I print out a nice monthly calendar with events and speakers on one page per month--12 months at a time?
    And hopefully, not duplicate the meeting and speaker to look like two separate events.
    I thought about uploading info to Google calendar, etc, but that would be on my personal calendar. That is not what I want, nor am I happy with google calendar formatting issues.
    I just want to go into Club Runner and print out what we have going on without hassle or duplication.
    Our past president would actually type lists of activities and dates to make copies to pass out at meetings--which is way too much extra work.
    Thank you for your help in this.
    Dianne Paron likes this.
  6. David H.

    By:David H.Jun 20, 2018
    ClubRunner Team

    Jun 10, 2017
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    Oakville, ON
    If you go to to the Club's Calendar page: https://portal.clubrunner.ca/6552/events/calendar you will see a "Print Version" link. This will allow you to print the whole month out on one page. As for the duplication, you could delete the single Calendar Item so it would not be duplicated on the calendar. The only downside of this is, the single Calendar Item which was deleted would be removed from the "Upcoming Events" widget on the home page, but members and non members would know there is a meetings based on the Speaker displaying on the Speakers widget. To learn how to delete a single Calendar item, please follow the steps below:
    1. Please go to this article: https://www.clubrunnersupport.com/article/1343-how-do-i-add-a-calendar-item
    2. At step 5, please click "Calendar View".
    3. Go to the month you would like to change and click on the Calendar Item.
    4. You will see a few options, please click "Delete (single)". This will delete just the day, the other Calendar Items will not be affected.

    Another suggestion is to show the members how to "Subscribe to the Calendar". This will populate the Club's calendar automatically on the member's calendar. To learn how to do this, please go to the Club's calendar and click "Subscribe to Calendar".

    A suggestion to help: I recommend adding more information in the speaker. The time and location would help non-members know more. This is what it looks like now:
    I know you have this information in the Calendar item already, but if a person just clicks on the speaker on the website or if the Calendar Item gets deleted, the information would not be displayed.
  7. Kari Brown

    By:Kari BrownNov 17, 2021
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    Jun 25, 2020
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    Highlands Ranch, CO, United States of America
    I just happened upon this 3 year old thread, which is something our club is struggling with as well. There is redundancy between the Speakers widget & Upcoming Events, since we have a guest speaker at each of our weekly meetings. My workaround solution is to use the "Speakers" widget to announce our upcoming weekly meetings, and actually (believe it or not) delete our weekly club meetings from the Calendar so that they don't appear on the "Upcoming Events" widget. (We already show that we meet weekly via the Speakers & Meeting Info widgets, so we don't need to clog up our upcoming events list with our regular club meetings). I use the "Upcoming Events" widget for all other event types, such as committee meetings & volunteer opportunities.

    A previous suggestion I've made in a separate thread is "adding a check box to all 'Calendar Events (Recurring)' items for whether or not you want items to appear in the home page, Calendar, Events List, and Bulletin separately-just like you do for items created using Event Planner. Right now the only checkbox available is 'Show on Website', which apparently controls everything online and seems kind of silly."

    This may not be the solution that Bob Spencer is looking for, but thought I'd point it out.
    Cindy Petted likes this.
  8. Thomas Hruby

    By:Thomas HrubyJul 5, 2023
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    Jul 3, 2023
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    Mission, BC, Canada
    Hi David,

    Following up on this to see if any progress has been made to allow filtering of event types for the calendar page or any event widgets. Our club has a similar requirement to this request and adding an option to filter would be very helpful.


  9. Omar S.

    By:Omar S.Jul 13, 2023
    ClubRunner Team

    Oct 22, 2019
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    Product Specialist
    Hello Thomas,

    Thank you for posting, and following up on this Events filter feature improvement.

    At this time, I can confirm the Events Calendar built-in page, and Upcoming Events widget, do not have a feature or option to filter and only display certain 'Event Types' or the 'Speaker' events.

    The Events Calendar built-in page will display all of the club's events (Event Planner, MyEventRunner, and Cloud Events), Calendar Items, and Speakers that are set to show on the website, or on the Events Calendar.

    The Upcoming Events widget, will display Events, as well as Calendar Items, if the events or items are set to show on the website.

    Visitors to the club's website, would be able to filter for certain event types, if they open the Events List built-in page, by clicking the '+ Search Options' button at the top of the Events List built-in page, and selecting which 'Event Types' to filter for, however this is not the same as providing the visitor with an already-filtered list of events.

    To review for the built-in pages in your club's ClubRunner account, including the 'Events Calendar' and 'Events List' built-in pages, please use the steps in this article on our Knowledgebase:

    I have added your club's request for a feature to filter and display different multiple 'Upcoming Events' widgets for specific 'Event Types', as well as a method to link the 'Events Calendar' or 'Events List' built-in pages with pre-set filters, in the feedback report report to our Product team.

    Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
  10. Ted Steinmann

    By:Ted SteinmannSep 21, 2024
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    Sep 21, 2024
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    Fargo, ND, United States of America
    Just chiming in here as well as I'm struggling with the speaker and event disconnection.

    For my club (as I would assume for most clubs) the vast majority of my regular occurring meetings have speakers. I'd say about 80%. With that in mind, I have a weekly recurring event for my meeting to hold the place. If I add a speaker it creates a seperate event which I then see two listings for on my calendar. But since the speaker listing isn't actually a clubrunner event, I can't use registration or anythign like that.

    I have a potentially popular speaker coming up and I'd like to get RSVPs. If I add an event and also use the speaker there will be three items listed on this day:
    1. Weekly Meeting (recurring)
    2. Speaker
    3. Event with registration
    Since these all look like events, it makes it nealy impossible for a visitor to our site to know which to click on and where to register.

    I understand this is probably a limitation of the implementation/alignment with the iCal/.ics standard, but what I would suggest (as the original poster here suggested) is that you make it possible to "tie a speaker to a event" rather than create duplicates. Similar to volunteers, if I were to create an event, I should be able to add a speaker. OR vise-versa, If I'm adding a speaker I should be able to tie it to an event.


    I'd also add that speakers and events should be entirely seperate entities in your data model. An event may have a speaker, and speakers may present at many events. Speakers are also so much more than events on their own. Right now when I add a speaker the speaker name is a type in and I'm required to add a date. In reality, every speaker should be optionally a contact. The speaker interface should give me the oppertunity to add a new contact (or select an existing one) and then add (or select) an event and list a topic
  11. Zach

    By:ZachSep 27, 2024
    ClubRunner Team

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Product Specialist
    Hi Ted,

    Thank you for taking the time to share feedback about the current Events and Speaker system. We are working to harmonize all of our current event modules, inclusive of speakers functionality, as part of the ClubRunner Nova update. This won't be something that is done for the initial beta launch for customers, but a goal we're working on longer term. Your comments about speakers being a separate entity (potentially a contact type) that can be assigned into an event is more or less the path we're heading towards. We do recognize the duplication that occurs between these modules, and our goal is to unify where possible.