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Accessing Contacts when Registering for Events/Signup Lists

Discussion in 'ClubRunner Nova Feedback' started by Murray Anderson on Oct 8, 2024.

  1. Murray Anderson

    By:Murray AndersonOct 8, 2024
    New Community Member

    Oct 8, 2024
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    Graphics & Signage
    I have complained to ClubRunner for some years now regarding the inaccessibility of the Contacts Database when both Registering for Events and populating a Signup List.

    Scenario 1: We make extensive use of the Volunteer module, and for our major event (Camberwell Art Show) we recruit many non-members into a complex multi day, multi shift Signup List. These non-members are in the Contact List, but when you populate the various days and shifts, you have to type out the person's name, phone number, email address etc and tick the box that they have gained consent! What a waste of time copying and pasting, and a real chance of typos.

    Scenario 2: Most dinner meeting events Members bring their spouses/partners; these people are already in the Contacts database, but the Registration options are only Register Members, Register members from other clubs, and Register non-members - no Contacts. So a Member has to type in their partner's name, phone number, email address etc and tick the box that they have gained consent, over and over again! Another great waste of time.

    I am so disappointed to find Nova has not incorporated the functionality of accessing Contacts into these areas, especially as I understood all names in Nova were basically in one database (not in silos), so accessing the Contacts section should be easy from a programming perspective.

    Please please make this enhancement in Nova! Disappointed 2.png
    Disappointed 1.png
    Dianne Paron likes this.
  2. Zach

    By:ZachOct 8, 2024
    ClubRunner Team

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Product Specialist
    Hi Murray,

    Thank you for reaching out and sharing your feedback publicly. I want to confirm that our team has heard this feedback loud and clear and are working to improve it. However, I do want to be candid and confirm that legacy modules like the Event Planner module will not be updated to work with modern parts of the system. This functionality will instead be brought to Cloud Events, and other Nova based modules, where the harmonized database system can recognize a user and link them appropriately. With that said, let me do my best to address your direct feedback as well.

    The goal for Volunteers is that the system should be doing a lookup when entering member information, and most likely this will be email based once the updates are in place for Nova. When we find a matching email, we will link back to the original record that contains this email.

    The Event Planner module does not currently have the ability to interface with the contacts database, and nor any way to interact with the new Nova database either. These features, like registering members and their spouse, will be improved as part of Nova updates to Cloud Events itself.

    Event Planner is a legacy module that is still present in the Sandbox, and part of Beta, until all its primary features can be successfully incorporated into Cloud Events. But to be very clear, we will not be updating or directly improving Event Planner, but rather Cloud Events will be enhanced as the primary events system within Nova. The timeline on this is high priority, as we do recognize the benefits of being able to have one unified events module, and also make use of the integration with the new Nova database as you identified above with registering non-members. Of course until then, if there is a serious issue with Event Planner, we will address it.
    Dianne Paron likes this.