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ClubRunner Release Notes (October - December 2022)

Discussion in 'Product Updates' started by ClubRunner Team on Oct 6, 2023.

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  1. ClubRunner Team

    By:ClubRunner TeamOct 6, 2023
    Staff Member ClubRunner Team

    Nov 17, 2016
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    New Functionality

    RI Integration for Rotaract clubs is now available for both the club and district versions of ClubRunner. Rotaract clubs on the District version, or which have their own club version, can send membership information updates, Executive updates, and club information updates to My.Rotary.org automatically.

    System Updates


    • Improved how RSS widgets are updated on bulletins in order to improve performance.

    • Improved the types of emails displayed in the Email Traffic Report with the inclusion of a new category titled Email Type. For example, emails sent from the new Membership Success module will appear with the email type “Triggered Email” and emails received from visitors using the public website will appear with the email type “Member Contact Form”.

    • When previewing emails from the Email Traffic Report, we now populate the merged fields with the recipient’s information to display how the email appears in the recipient’s inbox. Learn more about merge fields in emails from ClubRunner.

    • Email Traffic Report page renamed to Email Usage.

    • Improved the load performance on pages displaying 10,000 or more contacts.
    Grants (District version)

    • A new Grant email template titled “More Information Provided” is now available for when you want to let the Grant Administrators, Grant Users, Trained Members or Club Executives from the club requesting the grant, receive an email to confirm that more information has been provided about the grant.

    • Members listed on the Rule of 85 report can be added to the Excused or Exempted Attendance group types, to either only count if the member attends a meeting, or never count if the member attends a meeting.

    • eDirectory reports have been updated to improve how the report displays biographies from member profiles.

    • When updating Volunteer Notification Settings, Administrators and Executives will only be able to select from email templates created in the Volunteers module.

    View on ClubRunnerSupport.com
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2023
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