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Folders within Folders, Subpages and Site pages on the Menu Page

Discussion in 'Website Customization' started by Tracey Bartholomew on Jul 12, 2024.

  1. Tracey Bartholomew

    By:Tracey BartholomewJul 12, 2024
    New Community Member

    Jul 12, 2024
    Likes Received:
    West Lakes, SA, Australia
    Hi there

    I am new to our Rotary website on ClubRunner and as new Director of Club Image, I am in the process of upgrading and enhancing the look of our website - Rotary Club of West Lakes - in Adelaide, Australia.

    I have done well so far and managed to set up the Home Page with Home Page Designer, 'Our Club' with drop downs, Photo Albums....but I am so stuck on the 'Club Projects' and Rotary Causes' Page. The drop down menu looks perfect but then when I click on for eg: 'Community and Fundraising Projects' in the drop down menu, it goes straight to the 'Bunnings BBQs' - I need it to say 'Club Projects' at the top of that page with all the projects on the left hand side only to open when I click on the subpage. I am not sure if I have explained it very clearly but if you look at our website page you might see what I mean.

  2. Zach

    By:ZachJul 23, 2024
    ClubRunner Team

    Jun 5, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Product Specialist
    Hi Tracey,

    Thank you for posting and for your patience until we could reply.

    Let me do my best to help you move forward on this issue.

    For Site Pages, you can set a default site page for the collection of pages by being inside of the page you want to set as default, and using th set as default link. This will make it so that when you come into the page, it goes to that page by default instead of the community BBQ page.

    So I think to resolve this issue you're running into, I would suggest the following:
    Create a new page in your site page that covers the introduction to your club's projects and set that as the default page. This will ensure that anyone clicking the link in the menu lands here first.
    The top of the page will always reflect the title of the individual site page you are viewing. If you wanted to always see Club Projects at the top of the page, each sub-page will need to have this as part of its title.

    Please let us know how it goes, and if we can assist further.
  3. Tracey Bartholomew

    By:Tracey BartholomewJul 25, 2024
    New Community Member

    Jul 12, 2024
    Likes Received:
    West Lakes, SA, Australia
    Thanks Zach. I appreciate your assistance. I cannot see anywhere where I can set a default page (see image attached).
    So when I click on Club Projects in the top blue menu of the website , it lists our club projects (see image attached). When I click on the first one 'Community and Fundraising Projects' I want the blue writing to say Community and Fundraising and to stay there as a default for all the different community and fundraising projects (not 'Bunnings BBQs') as you click through to BBQs (see image attached)etc....

    I am so sorry I cannot explain it any clearer. Essentially the name for each set of projects is not on the individual subpages...

    Attached Files:

  4. Zach

    By:ZachJul 30, 2024
    ClubRunner Team

    Jun 5, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Product Specialist
    Hi Tracey,

    Thank you so much for following up.

    I should have done a better job calling this out. The Assign as Default Homepage option is available when viewing a specific site page, that is not already set as the default, in the administrative area:

    View attachment 231

    In order to support your requested setup, you'll need to change the title of all of the pages to have that content in them. "Community and Fundraising Projects - Bunnings BBQ". Site pages are highly structured, and it is generally not possible to go against the grain.

    If you want more control over the pages titles, headings, etc you could opt instead of custom pages. You would instead need to manually build the navigation between the pages but otherwise you would gain full control over the pages layout, and formatting.