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New Membership Types (Satellite, Corporate,..)

Discussion in 'Feedback & Suggestions' started by David H. on Dec 29, 2017.

  1. David H.

    By:David H.Dec 29, 2017
    ClubRunner Team

    Jun 10, 2017
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    Oakville, ON
    Rotary International introduced a few new membership types a few years ago. We are going to be adding these into ClubRunner in the future. These are the member types we are aiming to add:
    • Active - Satellite
    • Active - Corporate
    • Active - Family
    • Active - Associate
    • Active - Service
    For attendance and dues purposes this is the rules I believe to be correct. If I am incorrect about any of these rules please let me know.

    Active - Satellite = There are two reason why a member might be a Satellite member.
    1. This could be for a member who normally cannot attend the normal meetings time. Instead, the Club would hold another meeting at a different time to suit these members. These members would be counted towards the other meeting's attendance still. Both of the meeting's attendance would be combined to give a total. The member would have to pay RI dues still.
    2. This could be for a Satellite's Club membership. The sponsoring Club would enter the Satellite's Club membership as a "Active - Satellite" member. Attendance would be counted towards the Satellite's Club meetings. Both of the meeting's attendance would be combined to give a total. The member would have to pay RI dues still.

    Active - Corporate = This is for a member who's company is paying the RI dues for membership. The company it self cannot be a member. The member's attendance counts as a normal member, but a different employee from the company can stand in if the member cannot make the meeting. The different employee would be counted towards the corporate member's attendance. The other employee who can stand in could be a "Active - Associate" member.

    Active - Family = This is for a family member of a active club member. The Family member type would have to pay RI dues. The family member's attendance is counted like a normal member's.

    Active - Associate = This could be used for a friend of the club, a potential member, or a family member. Their attendance does not count towards the meetings. An Associate member would not count as a active members, so the member would not have to pay dues to RI, but could pay dues towards the Club.

    Active - Service = This is for a member who is a active member and pays RI dues. The member normally cannot attend regular meetings. Instead the member can come to one or two meetings a week instead and volunteer their time to earn make-ups. The Club could keep track of the member's total service hours to see how many hours the member volunteered for.

    Any additional input would be great. All of these member types would be included in dues and billing.
  2. Les Walsh

    By:Les WalshDec 30, 2017
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    I think this needs some more thought and possibly liaison with RI as it will be critical that the member categories match up with what it is doing. Because of RI's treatment of active members for dues purposes, some clubs may prefer to introduce categories of Honorary Members viz:
    • Honorary : the traditional category for an Honorary Member; no RI nor Club dues
    • Honorary - Associate : this category (some might call it trial membership) may not have any attendance requirements, may convert to Active membership, and may be for a limited time only; Club dues only
    • Honorary - Family : this category may not have any attendance requirements, and may convert to Active membership; Club dues only
  3. David H.

    By:David H.Jan 2, 2018
    ClubRunner Team

    Jun 10, 2017
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    Oakville, ON
    Thank you for the feedback Les.

    I was able to speak to another Rotarian about this and he suggested to change Associate, to just Associate. So it would not display "Active - " or "Honorary - ". The reason why, is because Honorary members get reported to RI still and their Club would not want Associate members to be reported. Does this sound good?

    As for Family, some clubs want to treat Family as an Active RI dues paying member. Other clubs may want Family to be more like an Honorary or or Guest member. I am going to place this member type on hold for now until clubs are allowed to set a custom type for Family.

    I did some more research on RI and found each Club and District can set their own policies for these new member types. The Club would have to amend their club bylaws to offer these new types. I believe these types would be treated the same across all Clubs: Active - Satellite, Active - Corporate, Associate, and Active - Service, so I am going to request us to add these types into ClubRunner with the rules I have set above. Do you think this is OK?

    If any one else has any thoughts on this please let me know.
  4. Les Walsh

    By:Les WalshJan 2, 2018
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    I don't mind Honorary members (such as Honorary - Associate) being reported to RI as RI fees would not apply. You are right about what clubs need to do re their Bylaws. I don't believe Associate will be the same for all clubs - some may treat them as Active (paying dues to RI) others as Honorary (not paying dues to RI). If clubs had the option of flagging the RI/Club Fee status, that may work - as it would with Family. I don't believe the Active - Service category is needed.
  5. David H.

    By:David H.Jan 3, 2018
    ClubRunner Team

    Jun 10, 2017
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    Oakville, ON
    I think you are right. Each club could treat each of these types differently based on their Bylaws. We should create an option to customize these types so the Clubs could choose how to treat these. The types which all Clubs should have the same are Active - Satellite and Active - Corporate, correct? Would any Clubs change how these types are done from what I stated at the start?
  6. Les Walsh

    By:Les WalshJan 3, 2018
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    I believe that is correct David - remember RI has only two categories of membership - Active & Honorary
  7. Janet Langdell

    By:Janet LangdellFeb 28, 2019
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    Feb 28, 2019
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    Good day gentlemen!
    Our Club is in the process of implementing some new options of ACTIVE membership - Corporate, Smaller Business, Non-profit/Governmental, and Family. All members accepted under each group have the same responsibilities & rights as a Standard/Individual member. The difference comes in the dues obligations and meeting attendance expectations. That said, we would need flexibility in how the dues billing is generated. I greatly appreciated reading the line "Each club could treat each of these types differently based on their Bylaws. We should create an option to customize these types so the Clubs could choose how to treat these."

    Looking forward to seeing how this all progresses! I guess for now, it seems the "best" way to at least track our groups is to create a Custom Field with the types so that each member gets the traditional RI "Active" (for RI reporting) and then a subset of our "new" types (for our purposes).

    Apologies if this message sounds vague...of just "talking out load".....I am a Clubrunner "novice" and still trying to process how we easily can implement all this for our Secretary :)
    Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    PS - Post Edit - Would really help if the Custom Field could be constructed as a drop-down list. Avoids entry errors.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2019
  8. John Pokorny

    By:John PokornyFeb 28, 2019
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  9. John Pokorny

    By:John PokornyFeb 28, 2019
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    Our club has applied a similar option menu with reduced dues for retirees and early career individuals. We did not apply the corporate rate quite the same as what you showed. We are taking the approach of 2 members for one corporate rate which allows the designated Corporate Rotary member to have a stand-in when they can not personally participate. To date we have not been successful in obtaining "corporate" members. Approx. half our membership has their dues paid by their companies. So, like you we do have members with corporate paid dues but we call them "standard" dues. Part of the problem with our corporate membership is that it includes some perks that require higher up the chain decision makers...we lack the sales force to chase after community minded corporations that are looking to train up-coming stars in corporate-community relations. You also have to consider your club culture. If you have a club full of corp exec's corporate rates could be successful. A club full of small and business owners may not be attractive to the larger corporations. We are now discussing how to target the medium size organizations. Love to hear what others are doing.
  10. Les Walsh

    By:Les WalshFeb 28, 2019
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    Oct 25, 2017
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    Caloundra Rotary is proposing to adopt the following categories - note that certain categories will be described as Honorary Members so that they do not count as active for RI purposes. It is probably appropriate for CR to cater for all possibilities - such as Active- Associate & Honorary-Associate.
    The categories are:
  11. John Borst

    By:John BorstMar 3, 2019
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    Our District Governor is talking to us about a category she calls "Friends of Rotary". They pay a fee of $50.00 and get our Newsletters and can attend a meeting or social from time to time and want to involved in our community activities. Sounds somewhat like an "Associate" member if a member is a correct word. What do you think?
  12. Janet Langdell

    By:Janet LangdellMar 3, 2019
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    Feb 28, 2019
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    Hi John! We are using the "Friends of Rotary" concept as a non-member, no member fees-attached group for people who can not make the commitment but who love helping at our community service and fundraising events. This is providing us some "structure" to add them to our contact and outreach lists, and engage them a little more formally than in the past. They are always welcome to attend a meeting or social event (and pay any associated fee). Best regards!
  13. Les Walsh

    By:Les WalshMar 4, 2019
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    Yes John - that is the intention of our Associate membership category defined as "A member of this club, other than an active member, corporate member, honorary member, or family member whose membership details are recorded with RI as an honorary member." We also propose to have Family membership. Hope the following helps.

    (a) Eligibility for Associate Membership. Persons possessing the qualifications set out in article 5, section 2 of the RI constitution may be elected to associate membership.

    (b) Number. The number of associate members shall not exceed forty (40) percent of the ordinary membership of this club.

    Section 2c Family Membership.

    (a) Eligibility for Family Membership. Persons possessing the qualifications set out in article 5, section 2 of the RI constitution, being a spouse (including a de facto spouse), child or grandchild of an active member of this club may be elected to family membership.

    (b) Number. Each active member shall be eligible to have up to three associated family memberships.

    Section 4 Associate Members. Associate members shall be exempt from the payment of RI and District dues, shall pay club dues as determined by the Board, are voting members of this club only, and may stand for election as a Director of this club only if they first convert their associate membership to an active membership. Persons who have not previously been an active member or representative of a corporate member of a Rotary club, may be an associate member of this club for a period of two (2) years, at the end of which time this club shall convert their membership to an active membership. An associate member may choose to convert their membership to an active membership at any time. Associate members of this club are not entitled to any rights and privileges in any other Rotary club, except for the right to visit other clubs without being the guest of a Rotarian.

    Section 5 Family Members. Family members shall be exempt from the payment of RI and District dues, shall pay club dues as determined by the Board, are voting members of this club only, and may stand for election as a Director of this club only if they first convert their family membership to an active membership. A family member may choose to convert their membership to an active membership at any time. Family members of this club are not entitled to any rights and privileges in any other Rotary club, except for the right to visit other clubs without being the guest of a Rotarian.
  14. Peter Whittington

    By:Peter WhittingtonMar 14, 2019
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    Mar 14, 2019
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    I am new to ClubRunner and getting up to speed with its capabilities for inviting members and potential members to weekly meetings. I have included a category of contacts as "potential members" to ensure they receive regular communications from the Club. However even though they are able to accept the invitation to attend a meeting they do not seem to be able to decline an invitation to attend and therefore I am unable to monitor their interest in receiving the communications. Potential members, returning members, Rotoract and Interact members that regularly attend members are not able to be tracked the same way as regular members. If they want to provide the club with the courtesy of advising that they are unable to attend a meeting they are not able to. Does any one have suggestions on how I can keep track of these types of "club associates". It would be good if everyone or received an invitation directly from ClubRunner was able to either accept or decline.

    Thanks in advance
  15. Amaury Rodriguez

    By:Amaury RodriguezMay 18, 2019
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    May 18, 2019
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    It has been over a year since this post, have the new member types been implemented yet? I only see Active and Honorary member type options when adding a member.
  16. Zach

    By:ZachMay 21, 2019
    ClubRunner Team

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Hi Amaury,

    Great question! We've been working to roll out this on a club by club basis until we're ready to roll it out to everyone. We apologize for the delay. I'll follow up with you directly to see if you would like these membership types added early.

    Please note that these are simply a type of membership classification for your club, and Rotary sees these records as Active members.
  17. Les Walsh

    By:Les WalshMay 21, 2019
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    Zach, Are you planning to add the new options to both the Active & honorary categories of membership - some clubs will prefer to treat some catgories (not corporate) as Honorary
  18. Zach

    By:ZachMay 28, 2019
    ClubRunner Team

    Jun 5, 2017
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    Only new custom active types are on the short term plans. At this time we do not have a way to have any custom Honorary membership types.
  19. Mark Call

    By:Mark CallOct 8, 2019
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    Our club allows a member to identify themselves as a business and thus share attending meetings with other employees (associates). Associates do not pay dues. Only the primary person is an active member. But we would like to see them reflected in other aspects in Clubrunner. Are there an issues entering the associates as Honorary and the Primary person as active?
  20. Les Walsh

    By:Les WalshOct 8, 2019
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    We are faced with the same issue as our club offers - in addition to corporate - associate and family memberships. The principal Corporate member and up to three others are all treated as 'Active'. As I understand it, ClubRunner accounts for these as 'Active' members. Our model treats associate and family members as 'Honorary' and would report them to RI as such. RI dues do not apply to Honorary Members. As far as I know, no other issues arise. In my view, it would be great if ClubRunner created some Honorary Membership sub-categories to cater for Associate and Family members as well as. possibly, corporate members.