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Stories, Stories, Stories: it's all about content!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by John Borst on Apr 19, 2021.

  1. John Borst

    By:John BorstApr 19, 2021
    Well-Known Community Member
    Beta Tester

    Jun 25, 2018
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    Retired Education Administration and Teacher
    Education - retired
    ClubRunner.ca has a quote from James D part of which states:

    "I see clubs that make the mistake of wanting a great looking website, but they don’t realize that it is the constant input of content that makes for visits to a club website.”

    I would maintain, that we do not talk enough among ourselves about this aspect of our Rotary websites. Websites are about more than how they work technically. If fact I'd reverse the equation; they are first and foremost about content and how much traffic that content generates, other wise why bother with them.

    On a ClubRunner website, stories are where the content is "constantly" built. As a result I wanted to know how many stories a large cohort of ClubRunner Rotary sites had. I reviewed 130 sites from three districts in North America. The results are here:


    The Club Website: poster, club bulletin, or marketing centre?